How-To Vidoes - Part Designer - Projects/Users/Library - Assembly operations - How-To Vidoes -- Assembly Operations -- Contextual Part Design - Custom Shape Editor - Print Configurations - Printing services Recipes CAD API - Modeling operations -- Creating Shapes --- 2D shapes --- 3D shapes --- Sketching --- SVG Shapes -- Standard CAD Operations -- -- -- Edge Operations -- Face Operations -- Measurements -- Miscellaneous methods -- Peforming Projections -- Performing Transforms -- Solid Creation -- Solid Modification -- Working with Paths - Core Objects - Math - Execution Environment - Extracting Face/Edge information - Topology Definitions User Guide Printing Creating Shapes 2D shapes Create Wires representing rectangle, circle etc 3D shapes Use these methods to quickly create basic 3D shapes Sketching Create arbitrary parametric shapes using sketching SVG Shapes SVG path can be used to create many useful shapes. Several examples are provided Modeling operations 2D shapes