Parametric SVG Shapes

Following examples show how to create parametric SVG shapes.

In each example below, you can assign values to variables via parameters dialog

function build() {

    return makePipe();

function makePipe() {

    var height = 30;   // or height = params.height
    var radius = 5;    // or radius = params.radius
    var thickness = 1;
    var angle = 360;
    //make rectangle face to be revolved
    var outerRadius = radius+thickness;
    var hOffset = height/2;
    //define SVG path
    var path = "M "+radius+" "+hOffset+" H "+outerRadius+" V "+-hOffset+" H "+radius+" Z";

    //Create Face
    var face = cadlib.svgPath2Face(path, {x:1, y:1});
    //revolve rectangle to make ring 
    var center = {x:0, y:0, z:0};
    var axis = {x:0, y:0, z:1};

    //Create solid
    var solid = cadlib.revolveFace(face, center, axis, angle);

    return solid;

A Cup

function build() {

    return makeCup();

function makeCup() {

    var diameter = 20; // or diameter = params.diameter
    var wallThickness = 2;  // or wallThickness = params.wallThickness
    var height = 10; 
    var baseThickness = 2;
    //offset for path so that cylinder is centered on origin
    var hOffset = height/2.0;
    var outerRadius = diameter/2;
    var innerRadius = outerRadius-wallThickness;
    //create variables to revolve wall of the cup
    var pathWall = "M "+innerRadius+" "+-hOffset+" H " +outerRadius+ " V "+hOffset+" H "+innerRadius+" Z";
    var faceWall = cadlib.svgPath2Face(pathWall, {x:1, y:1});
    var center = {x:0, y:0, z:0};
    var axis = {x:0, y:0, z:1};
    var solidWall = cadlib.revolveFace(faceWall, center, axis, 360); 
    //create variables to revolve base of the cup
    var topBase = -hOffset+baseThickness;
    var pathBase = "M "+outerRadius+" "+-hOffset+" H 0 V "+topBase+" H "+outerRadius+" Z";
    var faceBase = cadlib.svgPath2Face(pathBase, {x:1, y:1});
    center = {x:0, y:0, z:(baseThickness-hOffset)/2};
    axis = {x:0, y:0, z:1};
    var solidBase = cadlib.revolveFace(faceBase, center, axis, 360);
    //compound solids for final result
    var solid = cadlib.compound([solidWall, solidBase])
    return solid;


Capped Cone

function build() {

    return makeCappedCone();

function makeCappedCone() {

	var topRadius = 6;
	var botRadius = 10;
	var height = 20;

    //create variables to revolve trapezoid into capped cone
    var yPoint = height; 
	//create SVG path
	var path = "M 0 0"+ " H " +botRadius+ " L "+topRadius+" "+yPoint+" H 0 Z";

	//Create face
    var face = cadlib.svgPath2Face(path, {x:1, y:1});

	//define parameters of revolution of above face
    var center = {x:0, y:0, z:0};

	//axis of rotation
    var axis = {x:0, y:0, z:1};

	//create solid
    var solid = cadlib.revolveFace(face, center, axis, 360); 
    return solid;

	//Note: Edit the SVG path appropriately to rotate around other axis.


A box

function build() {

    return makeBox();

function makeBox() {

	let  width = 5;
	let length = 5;
	let height = 50;
    //create offset so that the box is centered at the origin
    let wOffset = width/2.0
    let lOffset = length/2.0
    let path = "M" + (-wOffset) + " " + (-lOffset) + "H" + wOffset + "V" + lOffset + "H" + (-wOffset) + "Z";
    return extrudeFace(path, height);

function extrudeFace(path, height){
    let scale = {x:1, y:1};
    let face = cadlib.svgPath2Face(path, scale);
    let dir = {x:0, y: height, z:0};
    let solid = cadlib.extrude(face,dir);
    return solid;