Shape Manipulation
Methods are divided into following categories.
There is more than one way to rotate a shape. Follow the examples
Scaling a shape
Using Transformation object to translate a shape
//This example shows using createTransformation method to
//move, rotate and scale an object in one shot.
function build() {
//create cylinder lying on the X-Z plane.
//You can verify it by returning solid before transformation
let s1 = cadlib.cylinder({radius:5, height:1});
//Move the shape on +Y axis by 30.
//Rotate around X axis by 30 degreess
//Scaling factor is set to 2.
let xform = {
position: new Vec3(0, 30, 0),
quaternion: { x:1, y:0, z:0, w: cadlib.toRadians(30)},
scale: {factor:2}
//create transformation object
let t = cadlib.createTransformation(xform);
//apply transform by creating a clone.
let s2 = s1.transform(t, true);
//return combined solid.
return cadlib.fuse([s1, s2]);
//You should see original solid and transformed solid